Friday, January 22, 2010

In which I wonder about the lack of OJ

I am back. 9 hours of flying, and then working yesterday, I feel like death warmed over. I have successfully survived Po-Dunk, and landed squarely back in reality. *le sigh*

I received a fine invitation to go out to a cabin this weekend and chill out. I have to love my coworker for this. Unfortunately, since the plague hit, I am going to be spending the weekend in bed. Or on the couch, watching LOTR....The yarn above is the chosen medium to do the Evenstar KAL from Susan Pandorf. I am hoping the the silvery blues will complement the lace pattern. I should watch the movies again to get back into the spirit of LOTR. The yarn is Yarntopia Treasures Tencel 10/2 in Icicles, but upon looking at the site, it appears that 10/2 is a blend no longer available. Check out those colors though!

The best thing about this KAL? The fact that Susan, among others in the knitworld, has chosen to use proceeds from the sales of the KAL to donate to Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders for the efforts in Haiti

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Freaking Out

Okay. So I'm supposed to be packing up everything so I can fly out to Erie, PA on Friday. Bad stuff. I'm kinda freaking out.

What am I doing instead? Printing out patterns for socks to knit while on the trip. Charging my mp3 players. Looking for books to download to my Kindle.

Anything but packing. And I am so close to just flipping out. It's silly.

Maybe I will go wind some yarn to go with those sock patterns....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Post

Hi guys. Hope your holiday was as great as mine was. Christmas flew by, got some good loot. Finished Mom's shawl. (can't find the photo I took of it blocking, though.)

This year, I have made the resolution to have no resolutions. None at all. There are things I want to do (like cook at home more, and spin more) but there is nothing I can say about self improvement at this time.

I started to work out again, and am trying to make healthy food. I plan to study for and take my GMATs so I can get into the MBA program. I still need to research the schools of choice, however. Wanna make sure I just send the test results to all the schools at once.

I plan to keep knitting, and keep working, but those things really do go without saying.

Excitement for this year: February: STITCHES WEST. Sometime later: SCHOOL

May this decade be as much of an adventure as the last one was. Happy New Year!