Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Post

Hi guys. Hope your holiday was as great as mine was. Christmas flew by, got some good loot. Finished Mom's shawl. (can't find the photo I took of it blocking, though.)

This year, I have made the resolution to have no resolutions. None at all. There are things I want to do (like cook at home more, and spin more) but there is nothing I can say about self improvement at this time.

I started to work out again, and am trying to make healthy food. I plan to study for and take my GMATs so I can get into the MBA program. I still need to research the schools of choice, however. Wanna make sure I just send the test results to all the schools at once.

I plan to keep knitting, and keep working, but those things really do go without saying.

Excitement for this year: February: STITCHES WEST. Sometime later: SCHOOL

May this decade be as much of an adventure as the last one was. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) New Year!