Friday, May 15, 2009

LYS TOUR 2009-The Damage So Far...

Two days have elapsed in Puget Sound. All I have been doing is trying to get to all 23 shops in the Local Yarn Store Tour of 2009. Out of 23, I have 9 left to do, and 2 days to get them done. It shall be!

Okay, so the damage so far. I limited myself to a total of $50 per day on this tour. (Trust me, the allowance was necessary considering how INSANE I went last year...)

Here is what I have so far:

Okay, through the list, I bought:

-Two skeins of Cascade Yarns Kid Seta, one in shade 407 (the black one) and shade 403 (the pale aqua color)....Don't you love shade numbers? How descriptive!
-One skein of Socks that Rock Lightweight in the Tricoter/LYS 2009 colorway, and exclusive shade dyed up for Tricoter.
-One skein of Rio De La Plata kettle dyed sock yarn in Medieval Blue (shade code SS15) for some MAN socks for my dad for father's day.
-2 skeins of SchoppelWolle(german for Wool Shop, in case you didn't guess...) Zauberball in the black, grey, white schema. Probably going to be a scarf.
-The big purple fluffy thing? That 2.27 POUNDS of top done up by Foxglove Fiberarts in the Black Currant colorway (bought from Main Street Yarns. I have to mention it because it's so damn cool!) 20% silk, 80% New Zealand Merino, and oh so pretty. Makes a nice pillow, too. :D
-A Darning Egg by Darn It!
-A bottle of Soak Flora scent (what?! I was out of it!)
-A tee shirt that says "Got Yarn?" on it
-The Spinner's Companion by Bobbie Irwin
-Color in Spinning by Deb Menz

And yes, I did technically stay within budget. Never you mind that poundage of top for spinning...that wasn't my purchase...I just HAPPENED to be in the right place at the right time to benefit from it.

Oh, and apparently Miss Pixel has adopted the darning egg as a toy. I must break her of this habit.

More damage tomorrow! I can almost guarantee it!

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