Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sleep Deprived and Grumpy

The reason for this is quite simple. I went to be at a decent hour last night. Roughly 9ish, because I must be awake at 6:30 every morning for my class. 10pm: Someone either across the hall or above us decides to start moving in....AT 10 FREAKING PM!!!! Bang bang crash boom drop a piano bang crash slamming door! At one point I seriously thought they drop-kicked a hyena it was such a terrible noise! I swear to god, they must be vampires or something, because NOONE moves into an apartment at night, making noise til 4 am!!!

So that coloured my night, to say the least. And then I started hearing random noises. First there was water dripping into a sink. And I checked all the sinks and the tub. No water droplets. Then there was a hissing snakey sound from the living. No rattlers...I'm on the 5th floor for pete's sake. And then, trust me, this is the best part...Ishityounot, there was a sound of someone hitting their head against the bedroom wall. Now, keep in mind that the wall in question meets with a stairwell. And there was no blood. I checked. So what the hell was that?

I got to sleep around 4:15 am. I was up at 6:30. Hence the grumpiness. And get this. I was just watching season 2 episode 3 of True Blood, and the people above and slightly to the left of my apartment decided that now was an opportune time to have loud raucous sex, but, you see, the loudness comes, not from happy noises, but because the bed is hitting the wall above me. Actually, come to think of it, the girl is making a sound that resembles a tree being sawed down. :/

I want to move. really really bad. I want to not have people surrounding my living space. I want to have a house with no neighbours.

And I am still grumpy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Did 2 Cool Things Today

1) Set up a bar hop with my favorite person from work (who happens to be leaving to go home to Britain on Saturday....*pouty face*) Tomorrow we shall go drinking! Huzzah!

2) Procured 3 books on my "to buy" list for under $60, two of which were used, but in serviceable condition:
-The Ashford Book of Spinning
-Design it, Knit it, by Debbie Bliss
-Knitting and Tea, by Jane Gottelier

How cool is that?! Oh, and I am now 1.3 inches into that blankity blank scarf for Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guess What Just Made Me Laugh for 1:20 straight!


You may recall a few months back that I finally broke down and bought the Namaste Newport bag in Eggplant.

Those evil mavens of niftiness have done it again. I must own the Hermosa!

80 degrees, and I'm knitting with Wool and Alpaca

Okay, Father's Day is a little over a week away. I have started this (rav link) TWICE. First time, was with Elann Sierra Aran (ZOMG scratchy and not scarf appropriate...will subsequently be made into a Sack Boy ala Alan Dart) so it was ripped.

See This? Scarf BAAAAADDDD....Sackboy, GOOD!

Then I started it in Berroco Ultra Alpaca (much softer, though not as soft as the LAST scarf I made Papa, which was out of Misti Alpaca...) then the gauge revolted. It was terrible, loose, floppy, and just plain ugly. It was clearly not meant to be. I am now one repeat into the whole thing. I have to say, that no, after one repeat, I do not have the pattern memorized.

In other news, I am officially set to take a class over the summer. I got my paperwork turned in and everything. And depending on how this job goes, I may consider using the tuition exemption program to get my MBA. I'm not exactly sure how one goes about doing that, but I have a feeling getting an MBA for the cost of books is much more desirable than just dropping the rent thing and going back full time. I'm patient....sort of.

It is after 8pm, and the outside temperature is 77 degrees. Ambient inside temp? 81. My poor kitty is laying on the floor in a pile of melted fur. And I am still knitting (well, typing, but you get the idea).

I received my copy of Whimsical Little Knits in the mail today by Ysolda Teague. I had already downloaded the digital version, but I love how the book actually does the photos justice. (no offense to the digital lovers, but seriously..I'm running a 2 year old Dell laptop with an aging screen.) I will certainly be knitting both the Cairn hat and gloves and most likely a Mousie for my darling kittie.

Back to the knitting. I leave you with a photo of something I truly wish was occurring right now. Snow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What Do You Think?

I contacted an Etsy seller on the 14th of April regarding purchasing two pounds of Jacob fleece, washed. I have still not received either a listing or the fleece. My issue is that I am the only one that is starting conversations. First, the seller was mistaken at being able to find a white fleece, which turned out to be a Shetland. This was not mentioned until I asked how it was going (two weeks later). Utter radio silence until I contacted again last week to see how long it was going to be (and to remind the seller that I was allotting money from my next paycheck in the hopes that they might get their rear in gear). Memorial Day weekend, the seller was supposed to be able to get everything figured out. I have heard nothing since the 31st, which was more "I just got back from [blah] with [blah] I will get to it this week."

How much is too much? The contact started LAST MONTH! If I were a seller interested in making a sale, 1)I would be continuing a conversation with the interested party to let them know what was going on when I ran into the FIRST issue. 2) I would have given a better time frame as to when this transaction listing could take place than "sometime"

I am frustrated. And granted, I don't expect the world to be perfect, but there has to be a breaking point where I tell the seller to keep their damn fleece because I have lost interest. In sales, regardless of how hard it is, or what the item is, communication is the most important thing. I should have been informed of these issues without me having to contact the seller to see what's going on!

I am annoyed, and I am not sure how to approach the seller about these issues without coming across as irate. I want the seller to understand that my issue isn't really the time it is taking to procure the fiber, but the lack of communication. Should I just message the person and tell them to forget about it?