Friday, January 2, 2009

Just so we know the score

January 2, 2009

total stash yardage: 41,799
total number of skeins: 163

Goal for this year:

Reduce stash by 40% (make it go down by 16,719.6 yards)
I realize that I am signed up for 8 clubs this year, so I am going for net stash reduction, not total stash reduction. Wish me luck!

Edit: I forgot to catalog 8 skeins of Cascade 220. the totals are thus:

total stash yardage: 43,559
total number of skeins: 171


1 comment:

Rudee said...

I can't bear to add up my yardage. Suffice it to say, my storage system runneth over. I am on a yarn diet. Thanks for your comments about my pooch. I'm very torn...