Tuesday, April 7, 2009

fall down go boom

I may have just ordered a sweaters' worth of Malabrigo worsted.....for cheap.....

*cough* Dizzysheep.com


Crafty Coug said...

Are you trying to replenish your stash? He he he! Can't wait to see it!! I'm thinking about buying a skein or 10 of Malabrigo from Wooly Bully in Leavenworth on my way out of town on Friday for dying. They have baskets of it and I think I can hear it calling my name... Maybe it wants to become Owls... I don't think I've told you yet, but I *need* that sweater!! My wallet is still protesting, though...

Pandora's Box of FIber said...

I want to make Owls too!!!! Yeah, umm...not exactly TRYING to replenish my stash...it just kinda...happened...